At the heart of George and Rachel’s relationship is a beautiful friendship. They truly are each other’s best friends and strongest supporters. While they enjoy shared activities, they also like their individual hobbies. Their bond of almost five years is filled with laughter and mutual respect, and they are eager to start a family of their own and begin their lives together. It was so sweet to capture this precious season with Rachel and George as fiances with Greenville engagement photos!
About Rachel & George
One of their favorite pastimes is watching TV together. Early on in their relationship, they created a long list of TV shows and movies to watch. They are still working through that list today! Their weekday ritual includes watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy during dinner. They also love outdoor activities, particularly long bike rides on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Over the years, they’ve embraced “at-home” date nights and love trying out new recipes together. Traveling is another passion of theirs, even though Rachel admits she’s not the biggest fan of flying.
How They Met
Rachel and George’s journey began back in middle and high school, where they shared mutual friends. But the funny thing is, these two really didn’t hang out back then. It wasn’t until they both moved back to Greenville after college that they reconnected at George’s annual birthday bonfire in 2018. Since then, they’ve navigated the highs and lows of life together. From job layoffs and the loss of George’s grandparents to buying a house and witnessing the birth of George’s identical twin nephews, their experiences have only strengthened their connection as a couple.
George’s love for outer space adds a unique touch to their story. Every year, on the anniversary of his brother’s passing, they visit the planetarium at Roper Mountain Science Center. This tradition honors his brother’s memory and brings George joy on a difficult day.
Despite their differing personalities—George being an introvert and Rachel more outgoing—they find a fun balance in their relationship. They’re homebodies who cherish social interactions but also value their alone time to recharge. I loved getting to know them and their personalities better at this session!
George and Rachel’s Greenville engagement photos capture the essence of their love story. It’s a story of friendship, resilience, and unwavering support. Keep scrolling for all the fun photos from their session!

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